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Advertising Your Business Needs To Implement In 2019

Is your small business trying to extend its reach to a broader audience? If so, it’s essential for your small business to keep up with current trends to give your brand exposure. Advertising comes in the use of different platforms, through targeted audiences, with the use of upcoming technology. With the progression of social media at such a rapid rate, advertisers have the resources to get their message out there at any moment with a variety of mediums.

Users are looking for a more personalized experience from businesses, and at this point they expect it. Not only do people expect a tailored experience, but they’re also looking for more creative content that pulls them in. The future of advertising for business owners will be personalized, automated, immersive, and measurable. Below are six advertising strategies that will assist your businesses in getting exposure to the right group of people who are interested in your product or service.


1. Video Production

With 90% of consumers watching online or mobile video content at least weekly, a video is one of the most excellent tools of opportunity. Video advertising spending in 2017 reached $9 billion in the United States. That number is expected to continue to grow over the next few years. Video content is versatile and will succeed on a multitude of platforms in different ways.

  • Facebook: Facebook gives businesses the opportunity to upload a video for a post to create engagement. It also features a “live” tool that allows someone to broadcast live video to their audience members. “Live” alerts people with a notification so they can check in and comment on the feed. This feature is especially beneficial to businesses who are at a special event or are doing a Q+A segment. This platform also utilizes videos to create paid advertisements. All 3 of these components of video offer value to advertisers.
  • Instagram: Instagram also gives advertisers the power to create and upload videos in their feed, along with a “live” video option as well. Live enables users to engage in real time within Instagram’s “Stories” feature.
  • YouTube: YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. There are 1.9 billion users every month. Billions of people around the world are searching for videos to watch. The platform is especially beneficial to run ads and target specific people.
  • Google My Business: Google My Business is an excellent tool to help your company gain exposure through search engines. Google my business allows for a video up to 30 seconds long. Companies can customize the video to display their products or services.

2. Remarketing/Retargeting

Remarketing and retargeting focus around marketing to people who’ve already come in contact with your business. Whether they visited your website, saw an ad someplace else, or clicked on a PPC ad, you now can market yourself to them again. They both are strategies used to convert traffic into customers. They share similar end goals but are both unique.

Retargeting is a term often used to describe display ads and online ad placements based on a user’s activity on your website. A user comes to your site, a cookie is dropped, and you can now target ads to them on other sites they visit. A cookie is a data piece that embeds itself in the browser of the user, enabling tracking of the websites they visit.

Remarketing, while sounding interchangeable with retargeting, is typically used to re-engage people through email channels. More specifically, remarketing describes shopping cart abandonment email campaigns, upsells, and cross-sell emails.

3. Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search Optimization is an essential factor in advertising due to the significant shift in consumer behavior. With the advancement of personal assistants, voice search is becoming a part of people’s daily lives. Not only are more people using smartphones to get information from the web, but they’re also using voice searches. ComScore asserts that by 2020, 50% of all searches will be voice dominated and Gartner states about 30% of all searches will be done without a screen by 2020.

Search engines are placing a higher emphasis on voice search optimization due to its prominence. SEO ranks websites accurately so users can find the information they are looking for as quickly as possible. User experience is at the forefront of search engine optimization.

Here are a few key ways to optimize for voice search:

  • Use longer phrases in your content.
  • Make sure your website is responsive.
  • Create an FAQ page.

4. Click Funnels

Click Funnels is another excellent resource for businesses to utilize in their advertising efforts. This service assists your company in creating a landing page that will benefit your sales funnel and overall traffic. Click Funnels is all about building different variations of marketing funnels. To break it down, a funnel is a series of pages your visitors go through to reach a place. These funnels guide users through this journey of pages that aim to sell your products and services by also adding options to upsell your sales process. Click Funnels continue until a user wants to reach their end destination and is no longer interested in additional products or services.

Here are some of the ways Click Funnels can help your business:

  • Builds complete sales funnels you can drive leads and consumers to
  • Processes payments digitally and integrates with Stripe, Recurly, NMI and more
  • Has a flexible page builder to custom build pages
  • Allows for upsells and down-sells
  • Includes an Auto-Responder and Affiliate Management tool
  • Advanced sales funnel analytics

5. Social Media

Social media is one of the most relevant and helpful resources for your advertising efforts. Different accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow you to target a specific audience and grow your business. As a society, we are moving toward a mobile-dominated era, meaning it’s essential to keep up with consumer behaviors to ensure your message is reaching where people are looking.

With social media use on the rise, advertisers need to come up with a strategy to create excellent content and then use that content to reach the masses. One way to broaden your audience on social media is through an influencer. Influencer marketing is one of the top digital marketing trends in 2019. With social media platforms growing exponentially over the past few years, more and more advertisers are using them for branding their business. Influencers are people who have a significant following of people on their social media accounts. Using influencer marketing can help give your brand authority and trustworthiness among people.

How influencer marketing can help your brand:

  • Drive engagement: You can increase the number of likes and engagement for your social media accounts.
  • Improve SEO: Many influencers have sites with high domain authority, which means that they are a trustworthy source and have a high ranking. This will help your SEO by sending more traffic to your site from their page.
  • Drive sales: Customers trust influencers and are likely to buy products and services based on influencer endorsements.

Along with influencer marketing, your business can also use social media to track your visitors and use that information to help target different people. Facebook offers the Pixel. The Facebook Pixel is a free service that Facebook provides to its marketers. You can install the code on your website to begin tracking. Similar to Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel will track and record the activity of your website visitors.

Once your Pixel has been installed, you can now use the service to customize your specific target audiences accordingly. If you’re looking to track website visits, this is primarily a helpful tool to have in your advertising arsenal. When creating a custom audience in the Pixel make sure to select Website Traffic. With this custom audience, you can target people with Facebook accounts who recently visited your website. This is a great way to retarget users who have left your site without purchasing anything. With retargeting, people will be more likely to click on your ad and buy the second time around.

6. Predictive Analytics

When it comes to advertising, there is some trial and error to get the results you’re seeking. Mainly, you want your advertising efforts to have a basis in some research or analytics so you can adapt appropriately. Predictive analytics is the next step of using known information to enhance your marketing strategy. Advertisers need to focus heavily on ROI, return of investment to succeed. Knowing what will happen is the best way to conserve your budget and resources. The fundamental approach to using predictive analytics is to have an understanding of how your traffic increases from a specific resource.

It’s essential to optimize your marketing campaigns by using predictive measures. You can use that data that you already have to determine what customer segments will be the most effective to reach and create insights. With accurate data, you ascertain if a campaign was successful and optimize appropriately. Predictive analytics lays the foundation for the best strategies to follow in your advertising and sales efforts.

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